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Current Projects...he's insane folks.

Ok, so roughly 20 folks give or take started this Mountain Reduction and Painting Challenge back on September 1st...I, and most others had some sort of plan as to how we were going to proceed. Well, I'm here to tell ya dear readers that my "plan" has gone completely out the bloody window. Sort of. 

Everything that was on the plan is still there. The major muck up in the plan is that now...all the components (or parts/units/armies thereof) are now sat firmly ON my workbench. I severely suffer from painting boredom i.e. Painting the same thing night after night, and my mind has adjusted to where I'll work on something till I'm bored, then move to a different period, genre, unit, army, terrain piece etc. It may sound insane but it works for me.

So here is the list of current projects in the works -

Dark Ages - Rulesets: SAGA and Dux Brit. Armies - Anglo Danes, Vikings, Welsh, Romano-British, Picts, Saxons and Anglo-Saxons. (Side note - my girlfriend is in the process of building a strathclyde welsh force). Most of that is 28mm, but I do have several packs of 15mm that I'm still trying to decide what I want to use them for.

Sword & Spear - Imperial Romans, Celts, Republican Romans, and Carthaginians. All in 20mm Plastics.

Muskets & Tomahawks - French, British, Indian, and Colonial Militia. All 28mm.

ACW - Rulesets: Either Polemus or Black Powder. Haven't decided yet. This is all 6mm and its both Union and Confederate...roughly 2200 6mm figures...did I mention I'm crazy?

Chain of Command - two bloody scales. 20mm ANZAC's and Japanese, and 28mm Germans, Finnish, Soviets, and Polish. Also playing with a Partisan force for use against either the Germans or the Soviets.

I Ain't Been Shot Mum - 15mm German and Soviets. (Side note - My brother is currently building Americans.)

Arab-Israeli Wars - GHQ MicroArmor. Don't have a ruleset as of yet. Suggestions?

ACW 2.0 Moderns - Rulesets: Force on Force and/or Flying Lead. Government, Rebel, and Foreign Interventionist Forces. 20mm plastics with potential for some skirmishes in 28mm.

Space Hulk - All the figures from the game set.

Post-Apoc/Zombie-Apoc - Rulesets: Across the Dead Earth, Ambush Z, Flying Lead, Songs of Fear and Faith. All 28mm.

Good God...I may need an intervention. On a positive note, since the challenge started 2.5 Months ago, I've completed damn near 60 figures...that's more than I'd completed in 3 years combined.

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