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Cottage Cheese Sandwich

Cottage Cheese Sandwich (Paneer Sandwich )

Very Simple, healthy & tasty Sandwich which can be a good option for breakfast, kids tiffin, evening snacks or can be served to our guests

Preparation Time : 10 Min

Cooking Time : 10 Min

Ingredients :   
  • Bread (white / brown)
  • Cottage Cheese ( grated 200 gm)
  • Capsicum (1 chopped)
  • Onion (1 chopped)
  • Sweet corn (1/2 Cup)
  • Green Chilly (1 chopped)
  • Jalapenos (few chopped)
  • Dry oregano (1 teaspoon)
  • Salt according to taste
  • To make it spicy add crushed black pepper
  • Butter for brushing

Procedure :
  • Mix cottage cheese, capsicum, onion, sweet corn, green chilly, jalapenos, oregano & salt in a bowl
  • Take a bread slice, brush it with butter on one side. Keep the above mixture on other side, now place the second bread over this
  • Place this sandwich on griller or griller pan or in a sandwich maker
  • Once the sandwich is golden brown from both the side, place it on a platter
  • Serve it with your favorite chutney or sauce.
Step by step preparation

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