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A Quick Check-In

 Even in the midst of Staycation, farm life goes on and the animals are tended to just as usual.  Now, however, we have lots of willing helpers for all of the tasks.

Yesterday we had to take a load of hay (you take it whenever you can get it.)  Our neighbor Anna always helps us stow the hay in the barn.

 Amanda helped as well.  With four of us working we had the hay put away in no time.

  Meanwhile Mackenzie played with Anna's girls and a few of the bazillion cicadas.

Old Tom Turkey made his way down to the barn with all of the activity centered there.  As we stood around talking, he became rather amorous with Hubbs' leg.  
I know... it's bizarre.

By lunchtime, Wren and her Mommy and Daddy had also arrived.  Much of the afternoon was spent with Mackenzie giving a farm tour so that Wren could meet all of the animals.  

She loved the pigs...

and the sheep...

and the horses as well!

Ollie was especially interested in her toes.

As for me... exhaustion has arrived and I need to sleep... so my apologies for this quick check-in.  I spent most of the morning prepping food for today's picnic.

We have a very busy weekend ahead.  I'll be back Monday to tell you of our adventures.

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