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A Few Days Off the So-Called Grid.....

Early tomorrow the lovely missus and I will be heading to Stamford Connecticut for the 14th Annual Northeast Pez Collector's Gathering.  Yeah, you read that correctly - we are going to a Pez convention.  It will be our fifth such convention (2 in Cleveland, 1 in Myrtle Beach and the second time in CT) and we are very excited.  Yeah yeah, we, especially me (I still think Amy is just going to the convention to make me happy - and to relax in a plush hotel room), are big time nerds.  To show just how big of nerds we, okay, mostly me, are - we hope to add to our Pez collection this weekend, a collection that is already at 2,142 dispensers and counting. We should break 2200 by convention's end.  Yeah, nerd(s).

Anyway, the reason I am babbling about all of this is because for the next four days, I will not be posting anything here at The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World.  Now yes, the hotel will of course be equipped with wifi and all that jazz, so I will still be trolling about the internet as usual - my favourite film sites (The Self-Styled Siren, Ferdy on Films, Some Came Running, Sunset Gun etc), Marvel Digital Comics (like I said earlier, nerd), listenin' to some tunes on Spotify (Florence + The Machine is a particular favourite I recently got hooked on), watching The Yankees beat up on Boston, and so on.  But still, no posts will come until Monday.  Of course this could just be me lying to you and myself, and I may very well post something over the week-end.  I am just that kind of guy.  After all, it is not like I am really going off the so-called grid like the post title assumes.  Why would I do that?  I am not some crazy, conspiracy theory nutcase.  I like the grid dammit.  I like being front and center on the grid.  I want to be surrounded by the fucking grid.  I.....I digress.

Anyway.....gee I say that a lot.  Force of habit I suppose.  Anyway, off to a happy Pezzy week-end (did I mention we will be touring the Pez factory!!? - yeah, nerds) and I will be seeing you all next week. Gee I hope the ice machine is close to our room.  Anyway (Ha!), I will leave you with a fun Pezzy image of one of the favourites of our collection.  Enjoy.

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