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Dick Head Dick Kay outraged by president Trump's shithole commets but the jackass would never visit these places

Leanardo McGregor
   Dick Kay is a veteran reporter for mainstream media and is now doing a weekend radio propaganda show on a little-listened to radio station in Chicago. Kay works for the leftist partisan WCPT radio in Chicago , which is a disgusting lying radio station whose main financial purpose is to attack president Trump and his policies at every step. Dick Kay was horrified and believed the fake news form a fellow dickhead in Illinois Dick Durbin that president Trump somehow disrespected Haiti and Somalia for rightfully calling out their shit hole societies and dangerous status as fourth-world out of control sorry excuse of countries.
Dick Kay first of all is a shit head fake reporter with a fake fucking name. The man uses his wife's first name as his last name because he is and always has been will be a lying shit bag. Dirty Dick Kay is an ultra-liberal and a half who for years was on my television with his fake news dissing Ronald Reagan and pushing the policies and projects of shit head mayor Harold Washington, a man so incompetent he should not even cleans and waxed the floors in city hall yet alone be mayor. Dick Kay doesn't care about the nations he feels Trump disrespected as he would never visit or stay more than a few hours in these countries knowing full well one puts themselves and their lives at risk residing in these shit holes for a minute. Mr Dick Kay is just obsessed and full of testosterone and anger at the idea that Donald S Trump sit sin the fucking White house pushing the ideas and goals of the Republican party instead of what he expected would easily have been a Hillary Clinton coronation and second corrupt Clinton dynasty from taking power. Mr Dick sits in his basement smoking cigars and drinking shots wartching news to dawn and cries often to this day thinking about Hillary Clinton losing and that fellow Chicagoan and fake citizen Hussein Obama is not still residing in Washington calling all shots. The fake Kay can rant and rave all he wants but the fuck head is not eager to go into Sudan or Nigeria or fucking Venezuela anytime soon because they are shit holes and people deranged posing a danger by the absurd idea of letting mass numbers migrating into the West.

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