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Pastor Brian Gibson comes to Chicago and stands up to JB Pritzker and Larry Lightfoot's anti-Christian rhetoric

Clark Kramer
 Famesd Pastor Brian Gibson has come to Chicago and defended a Romanian Church from having services and not being shut down by JB Pritzker showing a line light of the thuggery that has been part of JB Pritzker's anti-christian pogrom during these lockdowns. Pastor Roberts has come to Chicago to expose the big fat Jewish Governors hatred for Christianity and his attempts to squash are church services and from Christians being able to assemble while ignoring and allowing Muslims and Buddhists to have their temples filled to capacity. Pastor Roberts as exposed also Chicago Mayors Larry lightfoot's one man campaign against Christianity and churches with his lockdown in the city as well as these two Beast attempted to use the covid-19 Health crisis to quash and Destroy people's Liberties and rights of worship and assemble.

Pastor Roberts King to support a pastor named Cristisn Isanevu who he and his flocked has been repeatedly harassed and had City officials go in and threatened his church and his flock from being able to gather. The disdain that JB pritzker and Larry life would have for Christians is unbelievable in the city and for decades they have been gerrymandering that leftist Democrats have been gerrymandering conservative Christians out of the city and other large cities in America and this explains why the cities are so overwhelmingly young and libtard. Pastor Gibson came to Chicago and supported many of these governmental repressed pastors and told them they must b united to ioght the Jews and those who hate Christians and Jesus in position of power and that these are a group of Christians that will not meekly turn  blind eye and be slapped around by th likes of the Homosexual Larry Lightfoot and the big fat thirties style gangster Governor JB Pritzker

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