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Eyelash Logic

So for the last 3 months I have been trialing a lash growth serum which we were sent from Eyelash Logic.
 Before they posted out my pack for trial I had to complete an online medical questionnaire so that they could be sure it was a safe product for me to use. They wanted to know about my historical eye health and any treatments to my eyes which I may have received. There were also the generic allergy and general health question. I felt that it seemed very professional to ask me these questions and also gave me confidence to use it knowing that it was safe for me to do so. For this very reason you must never share your prescription, it’s solely for your own use.

What’s in the kit?

The pack contains the treatment liquid along with a load of application wands.

What is the treatment liquid?

The liquid is made from Bimatoprost, which is effectively an eye drop treatment for the eye condition Glaucoma.
 When Eyelash logic contacted me about this treatment and explained exactly what it was I was keen to try it. A few years back I was doing a lady’s makeup and as I put her mascara on I noticed she had insanely long lashes but only on one eye. I mentioned it to her and she said that she had Glaucoma in her left eye and the drops she was prescribed to use every day had increased her lash length. I said at the time, it will only be a matter of time before someone makes a lash treatment from it or even adds it to mascara…and hey presto!

It may sound a bit scary but this liquid is tested and is totally safe to use around the eyes. It won’t affect your vision and it won’t give you Glaucoma (as someone asked me the other day). I have recently had my routine eye check up at my opticians and my eyes are 100% the same as they were before use of this product.

It acts on prostaglandin receptors in the hair follicle by increasing the percentage of eyelash follicles in the growth phase of the lashes. It also stimulates melanin that increases the lash darkness and also increases the size of the root, which results in thicker hair.

There are, of course, possible side effects which they give you full information on. This can include irritation; dryness of the eye, darkening of the skin on the eyelid and also in rare occasions it can darken the pigment within the eye and cause the natural colour to deepen. I personally had zero side effects. The only thing I did notice was that my liquid eye liner didn't last as well through the day. Maybe a fine layer of the treatment liquid coats the skin and doesn't allow makeup to adhere as well but just give your eyes a good clean over with eye makeup remover in the morning before makeup application to counteract this. I can live with this though!

The results:

I used a new wand for each eye to avoid any cross infection. Applied one drop on the wand tip and gently stroked it along the lash line(not in the eye) where the lashes projected from the lid. I did this each night before bedtime after removing my makeup. I also wear contact lenses so it is important to remove these before application.
 There were only 2 occasions during the 3 months, which I forgot to apply (because slightly too much gin was consumed).
I began to notice an increase in the general condition of my lashes after about 6 weeks. They felt stronger and seemed to look more separated and even. After 10 weeks I could definitely see an improvement in the length. I knew I wasn’t just imagining it because I could feel my lashes fluttering against my upper lid and touching the lens on my sunglasses.
At around 10 weeks the wand applicators ran out. They don’t put enough in the box for you to be able to use two a day (one on each eye) for three months, which I thought was a little strange. For the remainder of the trial I have been applying with a fine eyeliner brush.
 I never really noticed a lot of added thickness to my lashes. They 100% are longer but only marginally thicker. I also didn’t notice any darkening of the hairs. This obviously is my own personal result; maybe it would vary for someone else.
Even though the 3 month trial has ended I actually still have a couple of weeks worth of solution left so I will continue to use it until it runs out.

As with all lash treatments you have to maintain use to ensure your lashes continue to look this way. As soon as you stop using it, over time the lashes will revert back to their condition pre treatment. As I’m still using the treatment I can’t report on how my lashes look after stopping use but I will update this post in a few weeks with the results.

My lashes before the trial:

Without mascara

 With Mascara (sorry about the 'one eye' picture, not really sure why I did that!)

 My lashes after 3 months of use

Without Mascara

With Mascara

 As you can see there doesn't appear to be too much difference without mascara but with mascara you can see the added length quite clearly.

This isn't a cheap product unfortunately but if you are bothered about how short your lashes are or maybe just want them looking extra long for a special event then it's worth a try. 
A 3 month prescription is £99.00. A 6 month prescription is £179.00 and a year is £369.00.

Check their site out here.

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