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Clarence Page and Jesse Jackson blame president Trump for the 1919 race riots in Chicago

        Dominick D'Souza
    Al Sharpton had a press conference along with Jesse Jesse Jackson III to discuss how a hundred years ago the city of Chicago was Yugoslavia 1995 for a few days with ethnic warfare and cleansing. Al Sharpton went on to blame the thinking of Trump voters and Donald Trump himself for this riot and put full blame on the president for having caused this riot decades before his birth. Chicago Tribune propaganda writer Clarence Page also refereed to people back then having a Trump mentality and dislike for Blacks as Mr Page put blame like most historians on white racism for pushing back
against the ruling class to flood their neighborhoods with Black illiterate scum from the South and migrants as being the primarily cause as well as Blacks being used to be strike breakers and keep wages low in the North. The Clarence Page media members are never truly seen as the similar Jesse Jackson and Al Sharp ton charlatans but clearly this idiot Page and others are part of the same racial agitation problem in this country and are promoted and subsidized to earn this livelihood by the likes
iof the far fake news networks like MSNBC that are not even American media any longer but foreign funded global enterprises. Mr Page and Jesse Jackson get to write nationally syndicated propaganda pieces and their recent articles blaming president Trump for the red scare and fear of 1919 is typically more topically hate propaganda against the Republican president . Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Clarence Page are all of the same bill and racial agitator drawing up and bringing up more racial animosities for their lies and misrepresentation of a president that is not near their political representations and by blaming racial discord form a hundred years ago likely cause by men such as them back then is more aggressive attempts by these charlatans to maximize coverage and privileged for themselves sin global money media tributes.

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