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The gifts I'm giving for Christmas and my wishes

Hi everyone,

can you believe Christmas is almost there? I certainly can't, since the weather is mild in Belgium and time just seems to fly by.

But strangely enough I have never started decorating the tree so soon or buying gifts, and so many, and I've never spent so much on them. The past few years our family decided to keep it at one gift per person. Maybe it was the financial crisis, maybe it was the facts that my parents had to pay for my rent in college, I'm not sure. This year I don't want to think about money for a while and just celebrate Christmas they way we're supposed to. I don't mean spending a lot, just getting what we want without a fixed budget. Here's what I got for Christmas. Maybe you'll get a few ideas?

For my mother:

Vichy Eyes and Lashes serum, at the pharmacy for 27 euros.

Time For Tea Sweetpea China Set, at Essenza for 10 euro.

For my father:

A gift basket with liquor and chocolate, at Collin (picture is just from a random basket from Google), 62 euros.

For my brother:

Belt from Tommy Hilfiger, at Inno, 50 euros.

For my sister-in-law:

Miracle Balm for Hands, Rituals, 10 euros.

Tea Tin with Roses, Rituals, 4 euros.

When people asked me what I wanted, I suggested getting me a diffuser for my essential oils, so I can make my room smell of roses, ylang ylang and jasmin without having to burn candles. I also suggested a gift card from a perfumerie, books from Ian McEwan and Disney classics on DVD. So, essential stuff really ;) Just lovely nice things. If your budget doesn't allow nice things, save your reputation and the environment and do try to get something that anyone would like, something edible, or all around cosmetics, or something highly useful like a nice notebook. And any book on anything that anyone likes is always appreciated.

I decorated the tree completely in gold this year. It looks magical. Now only if it weren't 16°C outside, perhaps it would stop feeling like summer so much. Our summer lilacs and roses are still blooming and I spotted some strawberry blossom a few days ago. Come on Winter! Come here so you can be over soon! And so I can open my presents!



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