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Nice food or not? It's all in the mind.

First and foremost, I am not sure if this is right or wrong... ... But I think I am shifting Positively Nice's focus from plainly reviews and raves to a more well-rounded beauty diary. But it still means the same thing, cos I will still be talking about things that are Nice, and things that makes us wonderful females more beautiful each day. So I will now also include things like good food, good exercises, good clothes/shopping etc in my writings.


I have long heard of the notion that whether one likes or dislikes a certain type of food, especially vegetables for children, it's all psychological, it's all in the mind. And I have always dismissed this notion as rubbish, and things that adults tell children to coax them into eating their vege. I was wrong. And right now, I am finally experiencing this phenomenon myself, and what I can say, is that, the adults are right - this is true.

Since the day I have some sort of memory, I hated vegetables. I refused to eat xiao bai cai, carrots, corn, yam, red beans, green beans, green peas, and anything that is not meat. I grew up not eating vege. And my mum couldn't do anything all those years. I even had to take out the vege in MacD burgers, pick out the tau gay in laksa, and push the cucumbers aside from my chicken rice.

I vaguely remember a girl in my Pri 5 camp telling me to imagine and pretend that the vege were French fries, and then you will be able to just swallow everything. She was right.

Whether vege are nice or not, it's all in the mind. It's about how much you understand this world, and what you want to do with your life, that forms your perception on different types of food.

And my decision about 2 months' ago to lead a healthier lifestyle, really opened me up to so many delicious, nutritious and colourful food out there. I just downed a bowl of red bean soup for breakfast this morning, and I ate the whole can of whole corn kernels over the weekend. I enjoyed them so much I regret being biased against vege for 20 years. I hate myself for missing out on all these my entire life.

Here is a list (more of a personal diary note) of the things I have learned so far:
- being active everyday (just gentle yoga, a swim, or cooling dawn/evening walk) really increases your energy, makes you feel happier, more satisfied with life etc.

- eating healthy gives you good skin (more moisturized/lighter fine lines, virtually no acne/pimples, less sensitive)

And I not only have facial prove of it, but also scar proof. My skin is quite bad at healing after mosquito bites, so there are quite a number of scars on my legs. In one of my old posts, I recommended this cream --> 止痒膏 Ammeda Shiyoko Ointment.

What I observed recently, is that that particular hard to go away, more than 5 year old scar, is AuToMaTiCaLlY drying off, peeling, and fading, and growing new skin back nicely. I attribute it to my nutritious food, as I have been lazy to apply that cream for quite long already.

- I am more easy-going with food. I can eat more types of food. And my food is more colourful and appealing.

- INDEED, parents/adults/old people are very, very wise, and they tell us things For Our Own Good. I just discovered how cheap and good red bean soup breakfast is today. And other good things like ginger and garlic, porridge, sweet potatoes etc. (My PAP kindergarten used to give it to us kids at least once a week.) It's like suddenly, I understand that as long I follow my mum and grandma, it wouldn't be all that wrong in life.

I am not sure if it will work or not, but I feel that if you know anyone who is fussy with food, especially little children, the best way to make them eat it, is EdUcAtIoN. People need to know why they are doing things before they can do it from the bottom of their heart.

Right now, I wish I were more educated about the benefits of good food (by good, I am referring to nutritious and filling, rather than expensive dining) when I were young. If I could turn back the clock, the first thing that I want to change, would probably to never have became obese. I wish I didn't go to Mac at least once a week, KFC at least twice a month, BK at least once a month, and snacked, tea-ed, and supper-ed everyday.

And perhaps in line with what our government is going for right now, I hope that I can make more people aware and desire the healthier lifestyle, and seriously make an effort to prevent ourselves or future generations from sliding down the American way.

Some basic site to teach yourself about good food:
- Mayo Clinic (take note of the Top 10 good food)
- Livestrong (more for reliable calorie comparison)

Note: For those interested in a true story of how obesity results in disaster, please view this:
Dead Weight part 1 - Air Crash Investigation/Mayday
(This example may be a little exaggerated to bring out my point. But it is a true story nevertheless.)

There are no horrible food, there is only your horrible perception of it. =)

Stay Happy!

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