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New Dolly Wink line by Tsubasa Masuwaka!


I've got super exciting news!

The new Dolly Wink line has finally been released!

I hope everyone's as excited as me!!

I do have various thoughts about the new line, but I'd like for you to formulate your own opinions and thoughts first.

So without wasting more time, I present you with the new Dolly Wink line.

* wink *

❝ Eyelashes ❞

Her new collection comes with 6 new pairs of eyelashes, 3 top and 3 bottom.

✽ No. 9 Natural Dolly 
✽ No. 10 Sweet Cat 
✽ No. 11 Pure Sweet 
✽ No. 12 Feminine Girl 
✽ No. 13 Baby Girl 
✽ No. 14 Natural Girl 

❝ Eyelash Case ❞

And of course, the eyelash case.

❝ Eyelash Glue ❞

She has also 2 new improved eyelash glues which now come in black and clear.

❝ Eyebrows ❞

Her new line features a major emphasis on eyebrows with eyebrow mascara, eyebrow pencil and eyebrow powder.

Eyebrow Mascara 

✽ Eyebrow Pencil 

✽ Eyebrow Powder 

 And that is the entire new Dolly Wink line.

Which product are you most interested in trying?

For me, it's definitely the eyebrow line!! I'm glad her eyebrow stuff has no red undertones (none that I can pick up, that is.) cause those are simply horrid! I'm more of an eyebrow powder girl, but I'd love to give eyebrow mascara and eyebrow pencil a try. ^.^

Unfortunately, I can't read Japanese but do check out Eki (she's super awesome!!) for a better understanding of the new Dolly Wink line as she's provided some english translation - thank gawd for that!

So tell me! Which product has you all excited?


♡ ♡ 


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