Michelle Williams is probably my favorite actress, certainly the best of her generation. She was astonishing in "Meek's Cutoff" earlier this year, wringing more emotion and subtle outrage from a single facial expression while under the shadow of a sunbonnet than most actors can express in 120 pages of dialogue. She consistently delivers unexpected, nuanced performances in literally every project she's involved with, from tiny supporting roles in wild things like Charlie Kaufman's "Synecdoche, New York" ("I used to be a baby!" she wailed, sitting front row at her mother's funeral) to the head-and-shoulders of Kelly Reichardt's girl-losing-dog weeper "Wendy and Lucy." Who knew Jen would go on to become M.V.P. from "Dawson's Creek"? Ten years ago I'd have foolishly said Katie Holmes was it for sure. Boy, do I love being proven wrong.
Following up last year's heartbreaking, nearly impossible to bear countdown-to-divorce drama "Blue Valentine," for which Williams was nominated for her second Oscar in five years (the first was for her shocked/betrayed/horrified housewife in "Brokeback Mountain"), "My Week with Marilyn" seems about as sure a bet for a third date with Oscar as anything I can imagine. The Weinstein Company is distributing, and you know Big Uncle Harvey loves his starlets and will stop at nothing to get them the gold. Playing an icon in an artful biopic doesnt' hurt either, and early word suggests Kenneth Branagh's vibrant take on Sir Lawrence Olivier will tempt Oscar as well. The poster is gorgeous. "My Week with Marilyn" opens November 4 in likely exclusive NY/LA release, with a nationwide trickle-down rollout expected on the slow march through Awards Season. I'll post a trailer as soon as it's released.
UPDATE: Jeff Wells at Hollywood Elsewhere is reporting that a "smart, well-connected guy" has seen "My Week with Marilyn" and Williams as Monroe is indeed the stuff of screen legend. The movie
"belongs to Michelle Williams and she alone. That is all anyone will be talking about once people actually see the movie. There is absolutely, positively no doubt that Williams is right alongside Meryl Streep and Glenn Close at the very front of the Best Actress race."
Well, then. It's settled. No surprise really but Jeez, I can't wait for this thing.

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