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Female Olympic team, red white and goo

Female Olympic team, red white and goo

There was a special show arranged in the Olympic village after the last Olympic games. Much to the chagrin of the participants, it was to be taped and broadcasted. The premise was a bet on the medal count between the female and the male Olympians of Great Britain. Whatever gender won the most medals would be declared the winner. The losers would be punished by the winners in a most embarrassing fashion.

The final medal count totalled 24 for the women and 41 for the men. It was not even close. The women were the losers and would be receiving the punishment. Judging by the rumours of some of the antics that had taken place in the Olympic village, things could possibly get a bit naughty. The ladies were not exactly looking forward to this. They may end up at the mercy of this group of testosterone fuelled guys. There was a lot of stupid banter that went on behind the scenes. These were people who did nothing but train and work out most of their lives. Most of them never had time for fun or for relationships. This show might prove as a good release of pent up emotion. It was a good thing that these women had spent so much time working on their bodies, because the guys were about to get quite an eyeful. 

Pretty much the entire female Olympic team was there. Jessica Ennis was also around, but she was considered the team captain so was going to get her own special show all to herself later on. Zara Phillips, Lizzie Armistead, Beth Tweddle, Rebecca Addlington, Paula Radcliffe, Kelly Sotherton, Laura Trott, Jade Jones, Victoria Pendleton and Gail Emms were all on hand. They were very nervous. They were not particularly happy with the fact that this was going to be televised. The whole nation that had cheered them on and watched as they competed for the gold were now going to witness them be embarrassed at the hands of their male counterparts. The show took place in a well lit part of the village where a lot of the commentary had been shot. This would be broadcast on the same network that had shown the games. Of course, it would be broadcast late at night. The nation would be tuning in to see this. People would be seeing the female Olympians in a way that they never had before.

The guys were all sat comfortably in seats in the studio. The ladies were brought into the studio onto the stage. They looked very nervous. This was not what they had been bargaining for. The whole female British Olympic team marched onto the set. They all gathered together on the stage. They looked quite uncomfortable on the whole. They were welcomed. “Ok,” the presenter said,” There was a bit of a bet between the male and female Olympians. It was based on the medal count. As we all know, the men triumphed. The girls, as a result, are going to treat the guys to a show. This is an adult show, so anyone who is easily offended can switch channels now. What is going to happen is that the girls are all going to take off all of their clothes and treat us all to a very nice view of a lot of skin. We are going to see every inch female Olympian skin today. In a few short minutes these ladies are going to remove those Olympic uniforms and we will see all of those glistening, muscular, athletic bodies.” The camera gave a sweeping shot of some of the embarrassed faces of the women. The men clapped and high fived. The girls would soon be standing naked in front of everyone.

“Ok, it is time to some skin. Ladies, it’s time to take it all off.” The ladies looked at one another nervously. They each began to unzip their jackets. They reluctantly took them off and placed them into a pile. They then each unzipped their outer trousers or undid the buttons, pulling them down their legs and finally off of their bodies. Lifting their legs and pulling them off. They then each began to remove their uniform. They each wore different types of uniform that were designed for their respective sports, but most of the designs were basically the same. Things were getting really hot now. The guys were pointing at them and smiling. The anticipation was building. They were all very reluctant, but eventually did what they were told. They all reached down and began to remove their uniforms. They pulled them down their bodies, to their waists and then down their legs. They each placed their clothes in the pile in the centre. The guys were now treated to a display of naked muscular female flesh. The women tried their best to cover themselves with their hands. This was beyond embarrassing. Their tanned, taught, toned bodies huddled together closely side by side. The aroma of sweaty female bodies filled the studio. The camera panned across the naked flesh of each of the female Olympians. The nation had watched them compete, now everyone was seeing their private parts. They looked very uncomfortable, trying to keep their knees together. Many of these ladies had not really had much experience with relationships or even socializing because they spent most of their time doing athletics and training. Beth Tweddle in particular had not really ever had a relationship. She was very conscious of her body as no one had really seen her naked before. Rebecca Addlington was another who had very little experience with anything like that. These women were athletes, not models or celebrities. Now their athletic bodies were on display for the whole world to see.

“Well, what a lovely view we all have right now. Now we want the ladies to stand in a line side by side leaving a few feet of space in between each of you,” the presenter said. The ladies did as they were instructed, even though it meant they would be less able to cover up. They still clung desperately to their private parts as they got into position. “Now, guys, if you could each pick a girl and stand across from her,” he said. The guys stood up and decided between them who they wanted to use as their respective partners. They then walked over and took their positions across from a female Olympian each. They pointed across at them and laughed. The embarrassed girls begged for mercy. “Now ladies, if you look across from you, that person is going to be your partner for the evening. I think you better be as nice as possible to them, because they will control your fait.” The girls looked across with puppy dog eyes, as if to say,” Please go easy on me”. “Now, can we bring out those pies, please?,” the presenter said. The girls looked at one another, their mouths agape with shock. They shook their heads. The stage assistants handed a pie to each of the male athletes. The guys smiled and laughed. They pointed at the ladies and taunted them. “Now do you know what we are going to do with those pies?,” the presenter asked, putting the mike to Rebecca Addlington’s mouth. “In our faces?,” she replied. “Exactly,” he replied. Everyone laughed.

“Ok, guys, on the count of three, take your pies and let the girls have it.” Some of the girls continued to beg the guys to spare them. Some of them braced themselves. The presenter and guys counted down,” Three.. two.. one.” In unison the guys reached back and one by one smashed their pies into their female counterparts faces. A lot of them would have liked to use their hand to deflect the pies, but could not because they needed them elsewhere as a means to cover their breasts and vaginas. The pies collided with the faces of the female athletes. The men were quite strong, so were able to have their way with pieing the girls. The camera ran down the line showing the pied faces of each of the female athletes close up. Their eyes and teeth all that was visible under masks of creamy pie. “Oh yes the girls have been well and truly creamed,” the host said. The ladies looked at one another, telling each other they could not believe this and that this was so embarrassing.

“Now, ladies can you please get down on your knees for us,” the host said, to a chorus of whistles. The girls rolled their eyes but did what they were asked. They all got down on their knees. “Now can the guys go behind their partner please,” he asked. The guys did as instructed. “Now, we are going to have a real celebration. Can you bring the buckets out please,” he asked. The stage hands now came out, carrying large buckets. “Now, these buckets are filled with very special red white and blue gunge to celebrate out great country. The girls are going to look very patriotic, because the guys are going to decorate them in those brilliant colours of red white and blue. The girls will be turned into a sort of living union jack flag.”

The girls held one another’s hands and closed their eyes. The guys each took a bucket, each containing one of the three colours. They each lifted their buckets, looking down at the naked female athletes in front of them down on their knees. In order to sort of mock the girls, the national anthem was played as the guys lifted their buckets and began to pour the gunge over the ladies. The ladies squealed as the sloppy gunge splashed them. The gunge poured up and down them. The guys moved their buckets up and down the glistening, muscular bodies of the women. The guys dumped red white and blue gunge all over the individual body parts of the women as well as them as a whole. Once their girl was totally covered in their gunge, the guys moved the buckets back and forth over the group of girls as a whole, splattering and mixing the different colours of gunge all over the bodies of the girls. The girls got close together and cuddled as more buckets of red white and blue gunge were brought out. The guys continued to dump the gunge all over the group of naked girls. The girls huddled together, their slimy naked bodies pressed together, slipping and sliding as they went. The guys poured until nothing was left.

The men bowed and walked off leaving the women huddled together naked and covered in red, white and blue gunge. They posed for a group shot together. It was an evening that no one would ever forget. Seeing the female Olympians naked and then trashed was incredibly memorable for everyone involved. The girls were not happy with the guys though. The guys had always said that they had really respected them but were too ready to embarrass them when the opportunity arose. The girls wanted revenge badly. It had been fun in away, but there was a lot of scrubbing that needed to be done in the shower room afterwards. The guys also got to watch this. They set up chairs as a sort of viewing booth as they watched the girls clean their naked bodies together.

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