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DUPE TEST: Lime Crime Babette


For this edition of the dupe test, I will be seeking formidable comparisons for Lime Crime's Babette. I have already reviewed Babette and you can read what I think of it here
Anyway, Let's get straight into it:

The contenders!
Up for comparison:
- MAC Betty Bright
- Illamasqua Obey
- Lime Crime Coquette
- Illamasqua Sonnet
- Nars Lodhi
- OCC Lip Tar Hush

(L-R: Hush, Lodhi, Betty Bright, Sonnet, Obey, Babette, Coquette)
Let's compare:
- Hush: Browner than Babette
- Lodhi: Brighter and more red than Babette
- Betty Bright: Similar tone, but pinker than Babette
- Sonnet: Paler and more orange than Babette (also a matte finish)
- Obey: Similar tone but more Orange (also a matte finish)
- Coquette: Browner than Babette (this was here as a comparison!)

The Verdict: No real dupes here but Obey is probably the closest. If you want something similar but less bright, Hush could also be a suitable alternative. Not many Babette worthy dupes in my stash it seems! (Sorry!)

Note: Hush is very similar to Coquette but a bit more pink! If you mix both Coquette and Babette together, it brings up a similar colour to Hush!

Where to get them (in Australia):
Hush: lipstickrepublic.com.au (AUD$18 for 10ml)
Lodhi: meccacosmetica.com.au (AUD$39 for 2.2gms)
Betty Bright: This was a LE colour (sorry!)
Sonnet: myer.com.au (AUD$25 for 4gms)
Obey: myer.com.au (AUD$25 for 4gms)
Coquette: lipstickrepublic.com.au (AUD$21 for 3.5gms)

Are there any dupe tests you would like to see on the blog?
Your PM x

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