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Review: InStyle Ultimate Beauty Secrets Book

I recently won this book, "InStyle Ultimate Beauty Secrets", it was from a Toronto-based television channel points program, you enter your points in hope of winning something and I got this book, which was neat! The program is OMNI VIP for those interested. This book is pretty rad, it has tips and tricks for everything, it has separate sections for skin, foundation/concealer, cheeks, lips, eyes, nails etc. This is very light reading material here, the tips are short and to the point, with pretty pictures throughout. You can go through the entire thing in a few hours. I am going to go through some of the tips here.

I found this one interesting, "if you have dry skin that is flaky, consider changing up your routine and washing your face with dandruff shampoo instead of your regular cleanser once a month". Head and Shoulders on your face? really? has anyone tried this? seems kinda of weird to me.

"Use separate towels to dry your face and face. This prevents the oils from your scalp from rubbing off on your face and causing breakouts." That is something that I definitely do, I have small towel for my face and is just for my face, and a separate one just for my hair.

"To rid makeup brushes of products that can clog pores, aim to wash them with a clarifying shampoo once a week." I actually wash all my brushes with face wash and baby shampoo, no fancy brush cleansers for me, I find this works just fine. Think about it, the brushes touch your face, so anything on them does too.

"Drink a glass of ice water if your face tends to get splotchy, especially when you're nervous. Doing so will town down the redness. The cold causes blood vessels to constrict and cool you from the inside." This is a good tip, never thought of doing this.

Here is one that I do everyday "For extra-thick eyelashes, dust lashes first with translucent powder, then apply mascara".

"Elongate your eyes by using dark brown mascara on the inner half of the eye and black mascara on the outer lashes". This is a new one, I've heard people use a different mascara on their top and bottom lashes, but using two together is a neat tip.

The book also has lots of celebrity pictures, there is a tip from Beyonce about moisturizing your face "A women is most beautiful when she smiles, other than that, the most valuable tip I've learned is always to use a skin moisturizer". I definitely agree with this and I think my face would flake off and die if I didn't use a moisturizer.

Most of the tips in this book are common sense I think, and most you would of probably watched youtube gurus mention before, but there are a few here and there that are neat. I like flipping through this when I am bored, it's a cute little book.

Do you have any beauty books that you like reading?

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